Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Don't believe everything you see/read on the web

So the weather map shows clear skies but in fact we are receiving a good amount of snow.
Soooo not complaining.
/love snow
Only problem I have with it is the snowplows wake me up in the morning - but I can usually get back to sleep with the knowledge that I'll wake up to a fresh batch of snow :)

I had another night of not being able to get to sleep and when I was laying there trying desperately to get to sleep this crazy sound kept bringing me to full altertness. It was one of those sounds you have to get up and check out or else it bugs you forever. It was just the wind, but coming right of the lake and whipping the trees around and smashing into the outside of the dorm and my window = noisy.

Oofda... I have ASL three in an hour and a half and yet again I feel nervous/anxious and unsure of myself. It's good to have things which challenge you, I'm just not used to ASL being one of those things.