Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Go with me on this one...

Over the break I watched an interview with Mike Myers. In this interview he was asked about the death of his father and how that impacted him/his career.... His explanation went something like this: His success was like getting poker chips at a casino = yay - but being able to tell his dad about it and share it with him was like cashing it in - getting the dollars = WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! After his father was gone he had to find new ways to cash in - enjoying his success on his own...
I REALLY liked his explanation...

With me so far?

So, in my life when things happen; the good, the bad, the ugly... I share it 3 ways...

1. My parents - I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I call them everyday and share the highlights with them - only way I can stand to be so far away.
2. Aya - After all, what are best friends for?
3. Blogging - writing it down (typing it out) also helps me work things out and often Aya reads about it before I get a chance to tell her - same with the parents.

PS - As for Mike Myers, even though he's "Canadian," his parents are Brits... that explains a LOT!