Sunday, January 15, 2006


Keeping in mind that I am still sick - and that I haven't bowled in a month....
The first game tonight - I bowled a 42. A forty-two. 42. No matter how you look at it - it sucks. After two frames I was breaking out in a feverish-sweat and wishing I were back in my dorm room, crawled up in bed. As if a 42 weren't bad enough... The second game I came the closest yet to falling flat on my face. Full-on, bum-in-the-air, arms-flailing. I thought I was a gonner.

Why share this embarassing info you may ask. Because even I can find humor in my humiliation. I mean I REALLY thought my face was gonna hit the floor.

hehehe aaahhhh

I went bright red - turned around and my teammates were gawking at me (literally one persons mouth was open) and then they burst into laughter... The one guy immitated my falling (as he's done on a couple of other occasions when I've flailed a bit). /sigh


Tripped over my own foot. I am grace personified.